Frequently Asked Questions

interactive flat panel

In order to ensure the safety of the screen, a layer of toughened glass is added to the outside of the screen, and to ensure heat dissipation, a certain gap needs to exist between the two, which is used to set aside air channels for air convection. The main reason for fogging is the temperature difference between the screen and the outside world, and the hot air condenses on the glass surface at a lower temperature, resulting in water mist. The water mist does not affect normal use and will generally evaporate after a few hours of use.
You need to confirm the specific reasons, theoretically using the same configuration, the boot speed is the same; in general, external USB, Internet access so that the device in the virus, hard disk space is occupied or the system disk was damaged, will appear slow boot, specific problems you can directly call our service hotline, a professional engineer will help you remote judgment and guidance to solve.
Firstly, the XP system does not support multi-touch, if it is a WIN7 system, whether it is an external computer or a built-in computer, you need to install the Home Premium version or above to support multi-touch.
You can temporarily use your finger to write instead, or you can buy it through sales or by calling our service hotline if you need it.
The human eye’s recognition of flicker is 50Hz, below 50Hz the human eye is aware of it and the eye muscles are constantly adjusting to the flicker causing eye fatigue, we use 60Hz or 120Hz LCD screens, so the human eye actually does not feel the flicker of our screens, which can largely reduce eye fatigue compared to other similar products.

Conference Mic

  • Connect to PC or other conference host via USB cable.
  • Connect to the host via 3.5mm audio cable. For example, connect mobile phone and start remote conference through the mobile app.
  • The speakerphone can be charged via USB cable.
  • Use the volume up/down button to adjust the volume.
  • If you are connected to a Windows host, use the system control panel to adjust the recording and playback volume to the appropriate location. For Windows 7 and Windows 8, click Start > Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Sounds > Play and Record tab; for Windows 10, right-click the Windows logo, click Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Sounds > Play and Record tab.

Mini PC

if your Mini PC does not respond, press the power button for at least (4-6) seconds until your Mini PC is turned off.

  • When you start-up your PC for the first time, you will be guided to configure your Windows operating system.
  • Start-up your Mini PC for the first time: Press the PC’s power button. Wait for a few minutes until the installation interface appears.
  1. Step 1: Select language/country (region) 2.
  2. Step 2: Select the inputting method, and clicks confirm 3.
  3. Step 3: Select the second inputting method, which can be “skipped” 4.
  4. Step 4: Networking: After selecting wif, enter password to connect it. Or choose to plug network cable for connection. (Networking will be updated automatically, and the update process will stay on an interface fora long time, which prolong the start-up time. (Skipping network connections is strongly recommended) 5.
  5. Step 5: Accept License Agreement 6.
  6. Step 6: Set User Name and Password Once the installation process is complete, the desktop will appear.
  • Connect Wi-Fi.
  • Connect PC to the Wi-Fi network using the following steps.
  • Select the WiFi icon from the taskbar.
  • Click the WiFi icon to turn on the WiFi.
  • Select an access point in the list of available Wi-Fi connections. Select one of the connections to start the network connection.
  • Note: You may be prompted to enter a security key to activate a Wi-Fi connection.
  • The BlOS (Basic lnput / Output System) is the first software loaded when the Mini PC starts 
  • Enter Bios: Click “Del” or “ESC” key. 
  • Under normal circumstances, the default BlOS settings apply in most cases to ensure optimum performance. Do not change the default BIOS settings. Except for the following situation.(You have installed new system components that require further BlOS settings or update.) 
  • Warning! lnappropriate BlOS settings may cause instability or startup failure. We strongly recommend that you can only change the BIOS settings with the help of technical service personnel.